Sunday, September 28, 2008

Rocky Mountain National Park

This church was built into the rocks outside of Rocky Mountain National Park. I just pulled over and watched it's beauty change as the morning sun came up. I'd love to know it's history.

I went to Rocky Mountain N.P. I drove in but ended up camping in the National Forest. I met a German guy. He was taking 3 of his 6 weeks vacation to drive around the states exploring national parks and camping. He had been everywhere in the States. It sounded like he'd been traveling the states on his vacations for years. Maybe I need to move to Europe. I can't get over that they get 6 weeks of vacation there. That's a lot of time to travel! And they have free health care! But I think I'd miss Philly.

After being away from Philly for just about a month there's certain things I miss. I miss biking, friends, and family. I want to walk into a bar and say I'd like a lager AND get a Yuengling! I miss all the common things that bind people that live in the same area. I saw a PA plate. Yes, I've only seen one in 3 weeks. I almost went up to talk to the people!

1 comment:

Jen said...

That's so gorgeous!