Saturday, September 27, 2008

Cow's or Bears??

This road didn't even seem like a road at 11pm at night!

The campgrounds, what a morning view!

Silvi enjoying her freedom from the leash!

I left Yellowstone and headed south towards Boulder. Apparently Yellowstone and the Tentons used up most of Wyoming's parks space. I had to drive much further than I expected to find camping. I finally found a state park but it was 33 miles off the highway. It was 11pm at night and pitch dark. I don't have a working odometer so it can be really hard to judge distance on back roads.

I drove for about 30mins down a tiny dark road and saw a sign for a recreation area camping space. I figured I would stop there instead of pushing further into the unknown to find the state park. I turned onto another dirt road and saw a sign that said open range. Dead ahead of the car where eye balls and 3 big black animals. I sat there for a couple of minutes trying to decide if I was looking at harmless cows or 3 black bears. I couldn't make up my mind so I backed up the car and headed onward to the state park.

The road to the state park went through huge boulders and winding roads with guard rails. Needless to say I drove slowly. I finally found the state park down more dirt roads. I drove in to the deserted camping area around 12am. Here's the funny park the place was so wide open and dark that I got freaked out and ended up sleeping in the car. I did get to star watch. Looking up at the sky made me feel dizzy. The sky was huge and filled with stars!

It was all worth it because I woke up to a fabulous sunrise and an awesome campground totally void of people. If I had just slept in the car off the highway I would have just woken up to trucks. I let Silvi run around as we hiked around. She had a great time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want a dizzy sky.