Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Best Damm Steak Ever!

My morning view!

I've loved Nebraska. It was the first place I was sad to leave. I stopped using the interstates after my second day of driving. I highly recommend it to anyone driving across this remarkable country.

The Sandhill's of Nebraska are beautiful. I drove from 3-7 going west as the sun was coming down. It should be considered on of the wonders of the world. The sun came through the clouds in amazing patterns. It looked liked there were enormous waterfalls in the distance.

I went to northeast Nebraska to check out Ashfall's fossil site. After driving for 3 hours I got there and the viewing area was closed. Oh well. I spoke with a couple very nice women at the visitor's center that lead me to Grove Lake Park. It wasn't even on the map. It was wonderful. It was great timing. There was a reunion of sorts happening that weekend.

What a great group. They said I was in Nebraska so I had to eat steak. They had cooked steaks on a open fire. I even met the guy who raised the cattle. Wow!! I have never liked steak before that night. But man, I could eat that steak forever. I had steak and beers sitting by the fire. It was a fabulous evening. They invited me back over for breakfast. Another great meal!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Wow! That's the way steak should be eaten! So lucky!