Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Wind Camping, Relaxing!

Friday night a cold front came through southern UT and northern AZ. It was windy. I've never camped in the wind before. I camped in Kaibab National Forest outside of the Grand Canyon.

I drove off the side of the road onto a logging road leading into the forest. I looked around to make sure to camp away from any dead trees. I didn't want to have a tree fall on Silvi and I in the middle of the night. What a boring way to die!

The wind blew strong all night. I could hear tree limbs falling down a little ways from me in the forest. I had no idea how loud a tent can be when there's strong winds. Wow, what an experience! I'm not sure it's exactly something I want to do again for a little bit. It was a long night especially since I kept thinking about the pottery store couple I had just left. Stories about Ted Bundy aren't exactly relaxing bedtimes tales. I guess I had to have a scary night at some point. I've been on the road for over 6 weeks. It's pretty amazing that this was my first scary night!

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