Friday, August 29, 2008

Vegetable Oil Runs a Car!

Today I filled my car up at a Japanese restaurant, so cool! The conversion is finished and operational. I just put my filter in a 5 gallon jug and poured the oil into the jug. I walked over to my car and filled my tank. This is actually going to work as I go cross country. I wasn't sure how I would make it work as I traveled until today. I have over 100 miles logged running completely on vegetable oil.

I went into the restaurant and asked if I could take their used oil. As I was taking the oil out of their big barrels everyone who worked at the restaurant keep coming out back to look at me. It was really funny. I just keep smiling with my greasy hands as I worked. I tried to explain but I don't know if they understood what I was telling them. It was very entertaining for everyone, myself included.

Here's a link to Wikipedia's Veggie oil page for anyone who's interested. I bought my kit from grease car.

Ideally I'd give the oil a couple of days to settle before filtering and using it as fuel. Whenever possible I will do this on the road. I may be shortening my engine life slightly by just filtering and driving but diesels can run for 500,000(or so I've read) so I'm not too worried. It will be a grand experiment.

I want to give a big shout out and thank you to my friend who's a mechanic who did the conversion for me. I feel really good knowing someone did the work who's really interested in the system and actually cares if it works.


Jen said...

Ha! That's awesome! Will you keep the oil in the gallon jug in a certain place in the car? Is the lid secure enough?

My cousin has a friend who had a veggie run car, I don't know if she still has it, but I always thought it was really cool.

Rock n roll, Meg!


Marguerite said...

Hi Jen,
My plan is to filter enough oil to fill the tank and then keep my jugs filled in the truck. I have 2 3 gallon jugs and 1 5 gallon jug. I'm hoping the lid is as secure as it seems!

I hear oil is hard to clean.

You're the best.